Monday, October 8, 2012

Pumpkin-Filled Weekend

This past weekend was filled with all things pumpkin! Matt was here to experience it, which I know he loved...can't you tell?

He came Friday night, and I cooked dinner for my family, including pumpkin hummus and pumpkin bread pudding. Both were new recipes.
Pumpkin Hummus
Pumpkin bread pudding with ice cream
Saturday, Mom made pumpkin biscuits and I made a pumpkin smoothie, then Matt and I went shopping for pumpkins and for candy corn m&m's. After looking at 4 different stores, we could not find the m&m's. We found some decent pumpkins and used two to plant flowers and carved the other one. Then, we roasted the seeds. Matt also brought me some pumpkins. I love the entrance to our house!
Pumpkin Biscuit with Pumpkin Butter
Pumpkin Smoothie
Pumpkin Seeds 3 ways
Sunday morning, I made pumpkin yogurt for breakfast. After church, we met one of Matt's college roommate's for lunch and then went to Target and finally found candy corn m&m's.

Pumpkin Yogurt
Matt left Sunday afternoon. Our weekends together go by much too quickly!

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