Monday, April 25, 2011

His Legacy


The legacy he left behind echoes in the lives of those he touched.
Story after story of how he helped people-
Providing jobs to the jobless, food to the hungry, money to the needy,
Without passing judgment, in spite of how they lived,
Never expecting anything in return, giving out of the goodness of his heart,
Not boasting about his success or his generosity, but humbly living a quiet life.
Although he had reason to, he never complained,
With the exception of complaining in order to "give us a hard time."
Even in the midst of suffering, he was always positive, always thankful for what he had,
Always seeking the good of others before his own.
He taught me not merely by words, but by his example.
His life was characterized by generosity, humility, gratefulness, selflessness, and fun,
Qualities I want to describe my life.
Taking care of him was a great joy-fixing his food, washing his hair, filling his medicine.
My memories with him are the sweetest-working crosswords, watching the birds and the deer,
Drinking coffee and eating candy, watching the Cardinals and "Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?"
Selfishly, I want more time with him.
I hurt because he is no longer here.
Yet I rejoice because he is no longer suffering.
Praise God for the hope we have in eternal life through the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
Because of that hope, I will see Pap-pa again and spend eternity with him praising our God and Savior!

Harold Bruce
November 27, 1919-April 18, 2011


Haley said...

This is beautiful Lo.
Your grandfather sounds like a great man.
Good thing he's with our Father now :)
I'm proud of you for being so strong. I'm always here for you.

LT (and Max) said...

so sorry about your grandfather. he sure did sound like a wonderful man. thinking about your family.

Heather said...

Loren, this was so special and fit him to a 't'...he loved you more than life. These last few years, almost every single time I was over at the house ... he was cutting out crossword puzzles and addressing envelopes to send to you. I have thought about the story you shared on Thursday many times and it really and truly moves me...just thinking about him standing out of that wheelchair as you came around for that last lap. Amazing.

Love you --

Melita said...

I didn't know your grandfather, but I cried as I read this, both because I KNOW how much you loved him, and because it is obvious that he also loved you just as much. What a wonderful legacy he left for you, and what special memories you will have of him! My grandfather lived with me until he was 99, and I have SUCH memories of just the two of us. Cherish them....
Love you!